Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Introduction to stuff.

Okay, this probably isn't the best way to start a blog, but I'm going to be honest with you: I have no idea what this is going to be about. Not just this post, but this blog as a whole. My name is Scott and this is where I ramble about stuff, hence the name "Scott's Stuff". I want to talk... er type about things that I enjoy. Comic books (mainly Spider-Man), video games, movies, just kind of whatever I'm currently messing around with. I'd love to say I have some kind of structure, or some kind of plan, but the truth is I just don't. Hopefully not all my posts will be this spacey, but I'm just kind of winging it tonight.

I'm interested in reading and reviewing a bunch of classic Spider-Man comics and I'd also like to review the main series of Mortal Kombat video games. There's a bunch of other things I want to do, but those kind of stick out right now. So pretty much don't expect to learn anything here, but hopefully you will have fun reading my thoughts on some cool classic things. I mean, I'm sure I'll talk about modern stuff too, but right now I'm really getting that retro feeling.

Cool, so next post will be... let's see... ah, I know! A review/rambling about Fable III. Definitely not one of the things I said I was wanting to talk about, also it's a bit weird starting with the third installment in a franchise, but hey I'm currently replaying it. So yeah. Fable III. Next post.